
damn you, jane austen! the day i moved into my room i have wished that one night when i least expected it my lover would tap on my window to steal me away into the night. so here i am watching emma when i hear a light tap-tap... could it be!? yes of course! i'm not expecting anyone so yes it makes perfect sense! here he is! but no. the tapping was not on my window but on my door. of course. my roommate wanted to eat my graham crackers. of course.

jane, you have filled my heart with butterflies and dreams. but my reality does not include things so nice as an english accent. so i must force my thoughts back to ugly american english, and with that i say DAMN!


Hilary Onyon said...

claire, every night this is me too. it happened to me once but the curse of it is that no night will ever be as good. damn the night.

anne. said...

you said damn twice!

tifsong said...

but don't you want to say thanks to her anyway, for making you speak more eloquently? ;)

tifsong said...

that is a winky face.

Wes Larson said...

such language. I think you might have started swearing